Phil 141: Critical Thinking

Fall 2023

Instructor: Ted Parent,


Schedule of Readings

WEEK 1: Introduction
    Buddha, the Kalama
    Graham, What You Can't Say
    Handout: Pessimism about Argument

    Handout: Making Distinctions
    Video: Muller, The Science of Thinking

WEEK 2: Psychological Obstacles
    Video: Shepherd, 3 Kinds of Bias that Shape your Worldview
    Vaughn, Reasons for Doubt
Handout: Cognitive Biases
    Videos: Laurie Santos on Cognitive Biases

Huemer, Why People are Irrational about Politics
    Handout: What is the Ideal Setting for Inquiry?
    Handout: S.L.O.W. Thinking Tool
    Handout: Suspending Judgment
    Handout: A Curious Way to Avoid Bias
      Optional: Handout: Defense Mechanisms

Optional: Kenyon & Beaulac, Critical Thinking Education and Debiasing

WEEK 3: The Five Types of Argument
    Handout: Five Types of Argument
    Handout: Premise and Conclusion Indicators
    Handout: Criticizing the Different Types of Argument

        Optional: Handout: Decision Theory Primer

WEEK 4: Symbolization
    Bergmann et al., excerpts from ch. 2 of The Logic Book, 6th edition.
    Video: Crash Course in Formal Logic: Propositional Logic
    Handout: Necessary versus Sufficient Conditions

WEEK 5: Argument Forms
    Howard-Snyder et al., The Power of Logic, chapter 1 (excerpts)

    Handout: Famous Forms
    Handout: Formal Fallacies

WEEK 6: Real-World Arguments
    Vaughn, Diagramming Arguments
    Vaughn, Assessing Longer Arguments
        Optional: Handout: Reconstructing Arguments

WEEK 7: Informal Fallacies
    Handout: Informal Fallacies: Pseudo-Deductions
    Handout: Fallacies of Unjustified Premises
    Handout: Fallacies in 12 Angry Men
Video: Julianne Chung, Ad Hominem
    Video: Wu, Straw Man Argument

WEEK 8: Rhetoric and Emotion
Handout: Devious Rhetoric
    Handout: The Appeal to Emotion

    Handout: Are Emotions Relevant?
        Optional: Video: Ruth Chang's
TED talk on Hard Choices
        Optional: Video: Cassidy, Developing Wisdom
    Earp, Mental Shortcuts

WEEK 9: Appeals to Authority
    Vaughn, Experts and Evidence
    Handout: Website Credibility Checklist

    Handout: Don't Just Leave Science to Scientists
        Optional: Plato, Euthyphro (excerpt)

WEEK 11: Scientific Methods
    Video: Cooke, The Scientific Method is Crap   
    Handout: What Makes for a Good Scientific Theory?
    Forseman et al., excerpts from ch. 9 of The Critical Thinking Toolkit
Forseman et al., more excerpts from ch. 9

    Handout: The Bradford Hill Criteria

         Optional: Susan Haack, Correlation and Causation: The Bradford Hill Criteria
         Optional: Gorski & Novella, Clinical Trials of Integrative Medicine

WEEK 12: Probability and Science
Forseman et al., excerpts from ch. 6 of The Critical Thinking Toolkit
    Handout: Intro to Probability
    Handout: Significance Testing
        Optional: Handout: What is a Probability Anyway?
        Optional: Video: Muller, How We're Fooled by Statistics

WEEK 13: Thinking about Science
    Video: The Limits of Science
        Optional: Handout: The Problem of Induction
    Hanson, Seeing and Seeing As (excerpts)
    Quine, Two Dogmas of Empiricism (excerpt)

    Handout: Remarks on Scientism    

WEEK 14-15: Dialectical Method
    Hume, Of Miracles (excerpts)
    Handout: Argument Diagram for Hume's "Of Miracles"
    Handout: How to Address Objections
Rosenberg, excerpts from chs. 5 and 6 of The Practice of Philosophy
        Optional: Plato, In Praise of Dialectic
    Dennett, excerpts from ch. 2 of Intuition Pumps and Other Tools for Thinking
    Handout: Writing Advice

    Forseman et al., Meta-Narratives

Baggini & Fosl, Foucaultian Critique of Power
    Forseman et al., more excerpts from ch. 10 of The Critical Thinking Toolkit  

Herman & Chomsky, Preface to Manufacturing Consent
    Chomsky, excerpts from the Afterward of Failed States
    Handout: Coping with Ecological Despair

Updated: 10 November 2023